Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 5-26-10

Good morning,

Our forecast calls for a day of thunderstorms, with a high of eighty-one degrees.

There are no municipal, public meetings scheduled for today.

In Wisconsin history on this date, the Wisconsin Historical Society recalls an event showing how ridiculous some people can be:

1997 – Sixty Arrested at Weedstock Festival

On this date sixty festival attendees were arrested at the 8th annual Weedstock Festival, a pro-marijuana event in Ferryville. [Source: Timeline Wisconsin]

Although I support changes in Wisconsin’s laws to make medical marijuana legal, I do not support illegal drug use. Really, though, whatever you think of marijuana, do you want to be the kind of person who thinks it’s trendy to go to an event like Weedstock? You must be kidding if you say you do. That’s you must be kidding, as a sober reader.

There were at least 97 people who initially thought going to Weedstock was a good idea. It’s a bad idea for lots of reasons, not the least of which being that you can expect headline-grabbing attention to the event, and lots of arrests. Now, I don’t think Weedstock was Wisconsin’s biggest crime problem, by any means. It wasn’t our one-thousandth biggest crime problem. It was, however, a great chance for public officials to grandstand, arrest people, and make a show.

No one is served through that waste of public resources. Anyone going merely abets that kind of public dog-and-pony show, the wasting of public time and effort while real problems are ignored.

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