Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 6-17-10

Good morning,

Whitewater’s forecast calls for a sunny day with a high of eighty-five degrees.

On this date in Wisconsin history, Marquette and Joliet reached the Mississippi River in 1673. The Wisconsin Historical Society recounts their achievement:

1673 – Marquette & Joliet Reach the Mississippi

“Here we are, then, on this so renowned river, all of whose peculiar features I have endeavored to note carefully.” It’s important to recall that Marquette and Joliet did not discover the Mississippi: Indians had been using it for 10,000 years, Spanish conquistador Hernan De Soto had crossed it in 1541, and fur traders Groseilliers and Radisson may have reached it in the 1650s. But Marquette and Joliet left the first detailed reports and proved that the Mississippi flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, which opened the heart of the continent to French traders, missionaries, and soldiers. View a map of Marquette & Joliet’s route. Read Marquette’s journal on our Historic Diaries pages.

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