Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 6-7-10

Good morning, Whitewater

Today’s forecast calls for a day of isolated showers, with a high of seventy-one degrees.

The City of Whitewater has a busy day ahead, with three municipal meetings scheduled. From 10 a.m. to noon, there will be a meeting of the Whitewater-University Tech Park Board. The meeting’s agenda is available online, and includes items 5 (Update on Executive Director search), 6 (Leasing of space in Innovation Center), 7 (Strategic Plan for Tech Park/Innovation Center), and 8 (Decision on Solar Power). The sparse agenda, and odd prioritization, reflects the nature of the whole undertaking.

Later, at 4 p.m., there will be a Parks & Recreation Board meeting. At 5 p.m., the Landmarks Commission will meet. Here’s the Landmarks Commission agenda:

Agenda of Whitewater Landmarks Commission
Monday, June 7, 2010 – 5:00 PM
City Manager Conference Room
312 Whitewater St., Whitewater, WI 53190

I. Call to order & roll call

II. Approval of agenda and possible rearrangement

III. Approval of minutes of May 5, 2010 meeting

IV. Set date of next meeting Wednesday, July 7, 2010, at 5 PM

Old Business

V. Update on Train Depot renovation (Lashley)

VI. Update of possible moving or demolition of James and Ella Rockefeller House at 837 South Janesville Road (Scott)

VII. Certified Local Government Reports (Scott)

VIII. Discuss storage of original Birge Fountain figures

IX. Action on Landmark Commission Bylaws (McDonell)

X. Report from Friends of the Mounds
1. Mound survey and path
2. Whitewater Historic Preservation Day Tours

XI. Report from Joint Indian Mound Task Force, Park & Rec. Board and Landmarks Meeting Monday, May 10, 2010

XII. Discuss feedback from Historical Preservation Day Tours, library display, publicity, map brochure, etc.
1. Ideas(?) to implement
2. Thank you list
3. Ideas (?) for next year

New Business

XIII. Discuss possible removal of Skindingsrude Building, 413 West Main St., with parish representatives.

XIV. Discuss possible projects and events for 2010
1. Local Landmark Designations
A. Leon Pescheret House
B. Vivian Henderson’s House
2. Historic Districts

XV. Future Agenda Items
1. Congregational Church Clock Tower
2. Whitewater Historical Survey Recommendations
3. Leaflets and Educational Materials
4. Report on the New Provisions of Chap. 17 (Scott)
A. Discuss establishing criteria for designation
B. List of possible items

XVI. Adjournment.

At some schools in our school district, it’s Civil War Day.

There’s a story in the Journal Sentinel about the large number of Wisconsin legislators who’ve announced retirement:

Wisconsin is on track to have as many new lawmakers elected this fall as it has had in 10 years, with some of its longest-serving members handing back power that they have held for decades.

Twenty-one of the Legislature’s 132 members are leaving the body entirely, and another two Assembly lawmakers, Rep. Leah Vukmir (R-Wauwatosa) and Rep. Rich Zipperer (R-City of Pewaukee), are giving up their current posts to run for the state Senate, opening the way for new Assembly candidates.

That means the Legislature has a chance to gain fresh faces and energy, but will lose experience in the bargain.

I’d favor fresh faces over experience of the kind we’ve had.

There’s also an unusual story, entitled, “Teen werewolves usher in a new generation of The Beast of Bray Road,” about teenagers who adopt the style and manner of a so-called teen werewolf culture. I don’t know what to make of it, and have never seen an example of it, other than what the video embedded below offers.

For more on the ‘Beast of Bray Road,’ here’s a quick introduction.

Here’s that video, from KENS 5 in Texas:

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