Good morning,
Whitewater’s forecast for today calls for a mostly sunny day with a high of eighty-five degrees.
There are no municipal, public meetings scheduled for Whitewater today. The path to the weekend is unobstructed.
It’s the anniversary of the birthday of Nikola Tesla, who was born at the stroke of midnight. Wired has a description of his many achievements, and even greater number of theories. See, July 9–10, 1856: Visionary Tesla Born at Midnight.
I wrote in late June about a baby red panda that was born at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. See, Baby Red Panda Born at National Zoo | Wired Science | The post included a link to adopt a (part of ) a red panda from the National Zoo.
The adoption went through recently, and I am now the proud adoptive owner of a red panda. A photograph of my panda arrived this week, and he’s very sharp-looking:

Animal adoptions like this come with a certificate and a fact sheet on the adopted animal. They make fine gifts, as the certificate can be personalized with a recipient’s name and message. (In my case, I’ll make sure I provide all the enriching resources my red panda needs to grow up right.)
Although it’s not my panda, so to speak, here’s a video from Australia about red pandas at a zoo in Sydney: