Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 8-16-10

Good morning,

Whitewater’s forecast calls for a sunny day with a high temperature of eighty-one degrees.

The Wisconsin Historical Society recalls that on this day in 1900, Wisconsin saw an auto race in Racine:

On this date the city of Racine hosted its first automobile race. The competitors were A. J. Horlick in a Locomobile and Robert W. Hindley in a Winton. The race started at 11 a.m. in front of the Grand Union Tea Co. store on Main St. The course was over the 14 unpaved miles to Western Union Junction (Sturtevant) and back. About a mile outside town Mr. Hindley overtook a stalled Mr. Horlick who up to that point had been ahead. Horlick was able to continue the race, but it was Hindley who was declared the winner. [Source: Racine History Timeline]

More information about the manufacturers of the competing automobile companies is available online. The Winton Motor Carriage Company continued production until 1924, and the Locomobile Company of America produced cars until 1929.

I don’t know which models raced in Racine in 1900, but here’s an 1899 Winton Stanhope:

The Winton Motor Carriage Company had, in 1910, advertising for its cars that was optimistic even to this day:

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