Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 8-6-10

Good morning,

Whitewater’s forecast calls for a mostly sunny day, with a high temperature of eighty-two degrees.

At Wired, there’s a story about a funny science program, Look Around You — a spoof of science programs, really. In Look Around You: Science Video Reductio ad Absurdum, Daniel Dumas writes about the series:

Remember being horrendously bored in school while watching science videos that had production values on par with Plan 9 From Outer Space? Well, Peter Serafinowicz (Simon Pegg’s boorish roommate in Shaun of the Dead) and his writing partner, Robert Popper, conceived the Look Around You series as an homage to the poorly cobbled educational reels from the late 70s and early 80s.

The 8-to-10 minute clips are injected with heavy doses of incorrect information, dubious claims and pure absurdism. To wit, in the segment called Maths, the narrator asserts, “the largest number is 45 billion, although mathematicians suspect there might be larger numbers.”

In this video, Serafinowicz and Popper explain their project:


Here’s a link to the whole series, at the BBC website:

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