Good morning,
Whitewater’s forecast for today calls for a day of showers with a high of sixty-four degrees.
The City of Whitewater’s Urban Forestry will hold another work session from 9 to 11 a.m. this morning. The agenda is available online, and lists two items under an “Urban Forestry Management Plan”: “A. Grasses/lawns/landscaping; quick overview of doc. For Parks and Rec. review” and “B. Tree policies.”
It’s Market Day at Lincoln School, with pickup from 5-6 p.m. in the upper gym.
Wired has a story on a genuine innovation: Dog Poop Powers Park Lights:
Conceptual artist Matthew Mazzotta is using dog feces to power lampposts in a park in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Mazzotta’s Project Park Spark, which was funded through MIT and created in partnership with the City of Cambridge, comprises a special “methane digester” that converts freshly scooped poop into methane.
Dog owners collect their dog waste in a special biodegradable bag and throw it into the digester –- an air-tight cylindrical container, where the dog feces are broken down by anaerobic bacteria. A byproduct from that process is methane, which can then be released through a valve and burnt as fuel. In this case it is being used to power an old-fashioned gas-burning lamppost in a park.

Image courtesy Park Spark Project.