Daily Bread: January 12, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater

The week begins with three scheduled public meetings: the CDA Business Park Marketing Committee meets at 4:30 p.m. at the City Manager’s Conference Room. The agenda for the meeting is available online.

City Manager’s Conference Room — sounds very posh, doesn’t it? Not exactly the Situation Room, but still, it must be a heady experience. For humility and service above entitlement, in a struggling town: Conference Room Number 1, first door on the left.

At 5:30 p.m., there is a meeting of the Park and Recreation Board at the Cravath Lakefront Room. The agenda for that meeting is also on line.

Finally, at 6:30 p.m., the best public meeting of the day, I’d think, in one of the finest public spaces any town could have — a meeting of the Young Memorial Library Board, at the Young Memorial Library. Here’s that agenda. Best wishes.

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