Daily Bread: January 6, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater

Tonight, at 6:30 p.m. there’s a Common Council meeting. The Common Council is down one member, but there are still community treasures, public servants, and the ambitious left to care for you. Just you, don’t you see?

An agenda, to follow the proceedings, is available online.

There is a 6:30 p.m. PAT meeting scheduled for Lakeview School.

In Wisconsin history on this date, in 1921, a mood-killing moment, if ever there were one: the Wisconsin Historical Society reports that “Janesville Women Abhor Salacious Entertainment”:

On this date the Janesville Federation of Women decided to “censor” movies and vaudeville in the city. Members of this organization praised and promoted what they considered “better offerings.” They were zealously critical towards those of a “salacious” nature. No follow-up ever determined whether the women were successful in their quest or if the increased publicity for “salacious” shows backfired

No one kisses well and lovingly through pursed lips.

I know very well that Janesville is not like this now — welcome, neighbors, to a new and freer century.

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