Daily Bread: June 23, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

There are no public meetings scheduled for the City of Whitewater, but there is a school board meeting tonight at 7 p.m.

Items on the school district agenda include:
Announcements and Recognitions (None)
Student Reports (None)
Resignations (Action Item)
District Administrator Reports (none)
New Business — 2007-09 WEA Collective Bargaining Agreement Ratification (Action Item)
First Reading of Policies 343.7, Distance Learning Teachers; 458, Student Nutrition and Wellness Education; and 537.1, Professional Staff Development Opportunities (Action Item)

I have remarked before that the district should include, in each meeting, some remarks on successful, substantive achievement. This keeps the focus of each meeting on success in core aspects of education. Is it so hard to queue these remarks for each meeting?

The National Weather Service reports that today will be sunny and 72. The Farmers’ Almanac predicts heavy rain for the Ohio valley, then fair. We’re not even part of their midwest prediction.

In Wisconsin History today, there are two aviation events. In 1911, Wisconsin native John Schwister flew Wisconsin’s first home-built airplane. Decades later, on this same date in 1950, Wisconsin experienced an aviation tragedy when a Northwest Airlines flight disappeared over Lake Michigan. Nearly 60 passengers and crew were killed.

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