Daily Bread: June 9, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

There is a scheduled meeting of the Community Development Authority business park committee at 4:30 p.m. today in the municipal building. The principal topic is the “Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on Applied PhD Research Stage I Study for the Whitewater Business Park.” (The agenda item, itself, sounds like a dissertation topic.)

Today offers up lunch on the lawn and field follies at Washington School, and fifth grade recognition at Lakeview School.

The National Weather Service predicts a 90% chance of showers. The Farmers’ Almanac says that today will be “mostly fair and turning warm.” No it won’t be — that’s the problem of trying to predict something as variable as the weather a year in advance — one may easily be far off.

Just below this post is my series on the latest Council meeting — on cars, number of people at a residence, and a brief discussion of the police and fire commission.

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