Daily Bread: March 19, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

Today, the National Weather Service predicts the day will begin “cloudy, then gradually becom[e] mostly sunny,” with a high of 45 degrees. That’s an uptick from yesterday’s forecast, and is now closer to the Farmer’s Almanac prediction.

There will be a 6:30 PM meeting of the PTA at Lakeview School.

There are two public meetings of the City of Whitewater scheduled for today. First, a 4:30 PM meeting of the Planning and Architectural Review Board. The agenda is available on the city website, and the meeting is part of the effort to develop a proposal for first-floor residential residential space in our downtown. (Longtime readers know my take on all this — plan to compete, and offer the maximum choices for use of space with the fewest restrictions.)

There’s also a meeting of the Tree Commission at 6 PM. The agenda’s on the city website. My suggestion, and an inside reference for a longtime reader: How about some cherry trees?

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