Daily Bread: March 20, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

It’s spring in Wisconsin, and although the forecast for today is 44 degrees and sunny, it lists a high probability of snow for tonight, and tomorrow. The Farmers’ Almanac notes that we reached the Vernal Equinox at 1:48 AM this morning. We are now in that season midway between mounds of snow and squadrons of mosquitoes.

It’s Market Day pickup today at 5 PM at Lincoln School.

I know of no public meetings in Whitewater city government today; it’s a private sector day, so to speak. Enjoy.

I will have three posts upcoming later tonight: (1) on our School Board meeting from Monday, (2) our Common Council meeting from Tuesday, and (3) Register Watch™, a new feature reviewing the week’s edition of the Whitewater Register.

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