Daily Bread: March 23, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater

It’s spring, and that means spring break, and that means no school this week. Enjoy.

While the students of Whitewater are on break, the work — such as it is — of the Community Development Authority continues. There’s a CDA Board of Directors meeting at 4:30 p.m. today. The agenda is available online — and includes these items —

1. Call to order and roll call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. HEARING OF CITIZEN COMMENTS. No formal CDA Action will be taken during this meeting although issues raised may become a part of a future agenda. Items on the agenda may not be discussed at this time.
4. Approval of the February 23, 2009 CDA Minutes
5. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on
6. Discussion and Possible Action on Media Campaign for Marketing of Whitewater Business Park
7. Website Redesign Status Update
8. 2009 Marketing Campaign Launch Discussion
9. Discussion on Business Park/Marketing Budget & Available Funding Sources
10. TID Value Discussion
11. Stimulus Bill Summary and Discussion
12. Discussion and Possible Action on Memorandum of Understanding relationship between CDA and City
13. University Technology Park Update
14. CDA Coordinator
a. Web Site Redesign & Launch Date
b. Homebuyers Education – April 18th
c. Asbestos Supervisor Training – Week of April 27th
d. Report on Attendance at Janesville Regional Workshop Describing Assistance Programs and
Grant Funding
e. Report on Attendance at Audio Conference on Economic Stimulus Funds: How Local
Governments Can Get Their Fair Share
f. Possible Attendance at 2009 IEDC Technology-Led Economic Development Conference
15. Adjourn to closed session at approximately 6:00PM to reconvene at approximately 6:30PM Per Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(e). Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session
a. 503 S. Janesville Street
16. Reconvene and Roll-Call
17. Confirm April Meeting Date of Monday, April 27 @ 4:30PM
18. Future Agenda Items
19. Adjourn
It is possible that a quorum of Common Council members may attend this meeting.
Even if a quorum is present, no Common Council business will be conducted at this meeting.
Anyone requiring special arrangements is asked to call the office of the City Manager/ City Clerk at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Yesterday, was a memorable anniversary in Wisconsin history — March 22, 1854 was the birthdate of Eugene Shepherd, the “Father of the Hodag”:

On this date Eugene Shepard was born near Green Bay. Although he made his career in the lumbering business near Rhinelander, he was best known for his story-telling and practical jokes. He told many tales of Paul Bunyan, the mythical lumberjack, and drew pictures of the giant at work that became famous. Shepard also started a new legend about a prehistoric monster that roamed the woods of Wisconsin – the hodag. Shepard built the mythical monster out of wood and bull’s horns. He fooled everyone into believing it was alive, allowing it to be viewed only inside a dark tent. The beast was displayed at the Wausau and Antigo county fairs before Shepard admitted it was all a hoax. [Source: Badger saints and sinners, by Fred L. Holmes, p.459-474]

Courtesy Wisconsin Historical Society.

A photo of the hodag is available at the Wisconsin Historical Society website. WARNING: Not for the timid! This is no ordinary beast….

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