Daily Bread: March 28, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

The week ends with a National Weather Service forecast of sunny skies and a high of thirty-nine degrees. That’s where the Farmers’ Almanac predicted that we’d be. The NWS has a budget approaching a billion dollars; the Farmers’ Almanac has, undoubtedly, far less. Still, the NWS offers a website with super-cool satellite photographs, so the advantage rests with them.

It’s the last day of vacation for students in the district and the campus. That may be of some disappointment to those vacationing. Our city will do benefit and be stronger, though, when students return to the campus. We are better with them than without them — welcome back this weekend.

If the skies are clear tonight, as they are predicted to be, in our southwest sky we’ll find both the constellation Orion the hunter, and Mars above it. Lovely sights await.

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