Daily Bread: March 30, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater

The Community Development Authority meets today at 4:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building.

School’s back in session, at the university, and in our school district.

Over the the right, on my calendar of meetings, I have listed the receptions for school district administrator candidates, one each, on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. (More on that, later today.)

In Wisconsin history, according to the Wisconsin Historical Society, marking March 28, 1933:

On this date a group of women paid thanks to the inventor of the typewriter, Milwaukee’s C. Latham Sholes, in a national radio program. Amelia Earhart, Anna Boettinger (Franklin Roosevelt’s daughter), Mrs. Robert E. Speer, the president of the National Young Women’s Christian Association, all participated in the program.

Emphasis added.

Impressive invention, and impressive, too, that Amelia Earhart was part of the program. Quite something, really…one could not ask for a better tribute.

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