Daily Bread: March 4, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater

There’s a Landmarks Committee meeting tonight, from 5 to 7 p.m. More information on that commission, and its work, is available online.

I might suggest that the number of legitimate landmarks in Whitewater is likely a fixed number, but the implication would make me seem a Philistine, I’m quite certain. I’ll not mention anything of the kind.

If we are to have any public meetings, a Landmarks Committee is not a bad place to start.

In our schools, there’s a short post about the search for a new District Administrator. Here’s the full text —

Superintendent Search Moves Forward
The WUSD School Board has narrowed its selection of candidates from 22 to 7. The first round of interviews of the seven candidates will be conducted from March 5 through March 12. After the March 12th interviews, the Board will narrow the candidates from seven to two finalists and their names will be made public. The second round of interviews with the two finalists is tentatively set for March 31 and April 1. Selection of the superintendent will be completed by April 17. The new superintendent will assume duties on July 1.

All the real action depends on knowledge of the candidates, though. Only then, and not before, is anything interesting or noteworthy really before the community.

Parent-Teacher conferences are this Thursday and Friday in the district.

And for those who really love the New Deal, FDR was inaugurated today in 1933. For a great book on the harm the New Deal exacerbated, consider The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression.

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