Daily Bread: May 30, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

The National Weather Service predicts that today will be have a 90% chance of severe thunderstorms with a high of 78 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac says — that it will remain unsettled, especially in the Great Lakes. Today is a day when a vague word like unsettled works — it’s such a broad term, that many will assume that it includes conditions like a thunderstorm. A horoscope has the same advantage when it tells readers that they’ll meet ‘someone interesting today’: interesting is a broad description. It’s the kind of prediction that succeeds — such as it does — for being general.

On this date in 1860, the first street cars ran in Milwaukee. According to the Wisconsin Historical Society, they were called the “River & Lake Shore Street Railway.” It all sounds very modern, until one learns that they were pulled by four horses.

Halfway modern.

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