Daily Bread: November 10, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

There are three municipal public meetings scheduled in City of Whitewater for Monday. At 4:30 p.m. the CDA Business park Marketing Committee meets at the municipal building. At 5:30 p.m., the Park & Recreation Board meets in the municipal building, and at 6:30 p.m. the Irvin Young Library Board meets at the library.

The National Weather Service forecast predicts that today will be sunny — or becoming sunny – with a high of 38. The Farmers’ Almanac is in the middle of a multi-day series with a prediction of “Wet over the Great Lakes, then Fair and Cold” weather.

Last week’s better prediction: NWS. The FA has never been more accurate for a whole week’s time, since I have been comparing the two.

In our schools today, there’s a fall book fair at Lakeview School.

In Wisconsin History on this date, in 1862, the Wisconsin Historical Society reports that there was a Draft Riot:

On this date angry citizens protesting a War Department order for 300,000 additional troops, rioted in Port Washington, Ozaukee County. As county draft commissioner William A. Pors drew the first name, cannon fire resounded and a mob of over 1,000 angry citizens wielding clubs and bricks and carrying banners scrawled with the words “No Draft!” marched through the streets. The mob stormed the city destroying buildings, setting fires, and gutting the interior of homes and shops. Troops were brought in the next day to quell the violence. The Ozaukee rioters were captured and remained prisoners at Camp Randall for about a year before they were finally released. In all, more than a half-dozen homes were damaged and dozens of citizens were injured.

Draft riots took place in other parts of the country, perhaps the most notable being New York City, as depicted at the time:

Then and now, just another reason to favor a volunteer army. See, for example, Milton Friedman, “Why Not a Volunteer Army?

Coming Attractions for the Week:

Here are some posts coming this week, in the approximate order of arrival during the week (with other posts — unlisted — likely, too).

  • Orange Salamander Thus Far
  • Register Watch™ for October 23rd
    [correction: should read November 6]
  • Register Watch™ for October 30th
  • Democrats and a Smoking Ban for Wisconsin
  • Common Council Meeting for 10/21
  • Common Council Meeting for 11/6
  • Police and Fire Commission Meeting for 8/20 — Why they really are the worst public body in the city, overseeing the worst leaders in the city
  • On the Constitutional lawsuit against Larry Meyer

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