Daily Bread: November 11, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

There is one municipal public meeting scheduled in City of Whitewater today. At 6:30 p.m. the Common Council will meet at the municipal building, and possible future site of Whitewater’s available online.

The National Weather Service predicts that today offer a ‘wintry mix,’ with a high of 41 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac ends a multi-day series with a prediction of “Wet over the Great Lakes, then Fair and Cold” weather. That seems a backwards prediction, but I’ll not judge these silly planners fine prognosticators in advance

Yesterday’s better prediction: NWS.

In our schools today, there’s a 6:30 p.m. PATT meeting at Washington School, a book fair continuing at Lakeview School, and a PTO meeting at Lincoln School.

In Wisconsin History on this date, in 1964, the Wisconsin Historical Society reports theRolling Stones first played Milwaukee:

On this date the Rolling Stones first performed in Wisconsin, to a crowd of 1,274 fans at Milwaukee Auditorium. Although Brian Jones remained in a Chicago hospital with a high fever, the rest of the band performed. According to a dubious reporter for the Milwaukee Journal, “Chances are, few in the audience missed his [Jones’] wailing harmonica. Screams from a thousand throats drowned out all but the most insistent electronic cacaphony and the two-fisted smashes of drummer Charlie Watts.” The reporter continued, “Unless someone teaches guitar chords to chimpanzees, the visual ultimate has been reached in the Rolling Stones. With shoulder length hair and high heeled boots, they seemed more feminine than their fans. The Stones make the Beatles look like clean cut kids. You think it must be some kind of parody – but the little girls in front paid $5.50 a seat.”

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