Daily Bread: November 13, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

There are, again, no municipal public meetings scheduled in City of Whitewater today.

The National Weather Service predicts that today offers an even chance of rain, with a high of 52 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac continues its multi-day series with a prediction that “very unsettled weather sweeps in from the west.”

Yesterday’s better prediction: NWS. I have no idea what unsettled weather means; no one at the FA does either.

In our schools today, there’s no school, but Parent-Teacher Conferences instead.

In Wisconsin History on this date, in 1858, the Wisconsin Historical Society reports that the Heileman Brewery was Founded:

On this day, one of Wisconsin’s best-known breweries was established by John Gund and Gottlieb Heileman (1824-1878). By the time Gund retired in 1872, the firm’s annual beer production had increased from 500 barrels in 1860 to 3,000. By the turn of the century…it had become one of the city’s largest manufacturing concerns, and throughout the 20th century its storage tanks (painted to resemble a six-pack of beer) were a LaCrosse landmark. At its peak, Heileman’s annual sales of 7.5 million barrels brought in $900 million, making it a target for purchase by a series outside investors whose management eventually forced it into bankruptcy in 1991. The brewery officially closed in 1999, throwing more than 500 workers out of work. Today the former Heileman Brewery is home to City Brewing Co., which manufactures and packages beers, teas, soft drinks, energy drinks and other new age beverages. Its packaging capacity of over 50 million cases makes the LaCrosse firm one of the largest beverage producers in the country.

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