Daily Bread: November 18, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

There is a Common Council meeting, at 6:30 p.m. The agenda is available online at the City of Whitewater’s website.

The National Weather Service predicts that today brings cloudy skies and a high of 34 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac predicts that today will be “fair and cold.”

Yesterday’s better prediction: About even, with a few flurries favoring the NWS prediction only negligibly.

In our schools today, there is a Singing in Wisconsin event in Waukesha.

In Wisconsin history on this date, from 1930, comes a tale from Prohibition, as the Wisconsin Historical Society reports it —

On this date federal agents and county deputies raided Otto Matschke’s home, north of Beloit, and seized an illegal still and 300 gallons of contraband moonshine.

Here’s an example — although not specific to Otto’s ingenuity — of a moonshine still from the era —

Looking at it, how could one not cringe in abject fear? Does one not see the threat a still like this represented, to the American way of life? As the Depression gripped a continent, with millions at risk of hunger, who would not direct the resources of the federal government toward an anti-moonshine campaign?

Let us commit ourselves, in these present, difficult economic times, to do all we can to prevent a return of anything once might consider so threatening, troubling, and raucous.

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