Good morning, Whitewater
There are no public meetings scheduled for the city today. Your weekend was filled with private activity, that you managed as well as you could. Why interrupt that private time with a municipal schedule? Two private days might extend into three, a week, yet more… I am in an optimistic way this morning.
The National Weather Service predicts that today offers snow and a high of 39 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac begins a Thanksgiving series predicting continued “fair and cold” weather.
It’s snowing now, as I write, showing what happens to a planner looking a year ahead, and attempting to predict something so complicated as the weather.
Last week’s better prediction: About even, only the second or third week like that since I have been tracking.
In our schools today, there is a School Board meeting at 7 p.m. The agenda is available online.
In Wisconsin history on this date, in 1959, I-90 opened to traffic from Janesville to Beloit, as the Wisconsin Historical Society observes —
On this date Interstate 90 opened to traffic between Janesville and Beloit. Work was temporarily halted north of Janesville as the exact route was not yet determined and property not yet acquired.
Interstate 90 is thousands of miles long, stretching from one side of America to the other.