Daily Bread: October 12, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater

In the city today, there will be a Planning Commission meeting at 6 p.m., and a Library Board meeting at 6:30 p.m.

In the choice between planning or reading, I’d pick reading (unless it’s reading about planning, which is probably about the worst kind of reading someone could possibly do). Thinking about it, I would advocate watching PBR over planning, reading about planning, or even thinking about planning. Yes, I’m certain of it.

At Lakeview School, it’s take your family to lunch day.

It’s Columbus Day today, a federal holiday. Enjoy the day. Yesterday, though, was one of the darkest days in American — and world — history: on October 11, 2002, former president Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Committee tells us why:

for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development


There are zero — that’s 0 — libertarians who respect Jimmy Carter. Other than Richard Nixon and Benedict Arnold, no American has played a darker role in our history than Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Hoffa would have been more deserving of the Peace Prize.

I know that there are some Americans who think that President Obama was unqualified to receive the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize; I completely disagree. Barack Obama was more qualified to receive the prize after a few days in office than Carter was after decades of post-presidential self-promotion diplomacy.

Obama wouldn’t have needed to have been elected president to be more qualified than Carter. As a U.S. senator, or even an Illinois state senator, Obama would have been more qualified. In fact, at the age of twelve, if Obama had taken a school bus past the White House, State Department, or even a local post office, he would have been more worthy than Carter.

There’s nothing that Saturday Night Live can say about President Obama that will ever be as funny as what the Nobel Committee said about Carter in 2002.

Here’s today’s almanac:

Monday, October 12, 2009 Sunrise Sunset
Official Time 07:04 AM 06:17 PM
Civil Twilight 06:36 AM 06:46 PM
Tomorrow 07:05 AM 06:16 PM
Tomorrow will be: 2 minutes shorter
Amount of sunlight: 11h 13 m
Amount of daylight: 12h 10 m
Moon phase: Waning crescent

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