Daily Bread: October 24, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

In the city today, the weekend begins without any Friday public meetings. Enjoy.

The National Weather Service predicts that today will rainy, with a high temperature of 53 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac begins a new multi-day prediction of “wet weather, followed by clearing and colder conditions.”

Yesterday’s better prediction: Neither, really. It was rainier than either prediction forecast.

In Wisconsin History on this date, in 1933, according to the Wisconsin Historical Society, Amelia Earhart visited Janesville:

On this date Amelia Earhart spoke to the Janesville Woman’s History Club as part of the group’s 57th anniversary celebration. Four years later, Earhart disappeared as she attempted to fly across the Pacific Ocean.

There is a stylish website, listed as the official Amelia Earhart website, in her honor.

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