Daily Bread: October 27, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

In the city today, at 4:30 p.m., there will be a meeting of the Community Development Authority Board of Directors at the municipal building. The full agenda for the meeting is available online, and includes these items:

1. Call to order and roll call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Adjourn to closed session at approximately 4:35PM to reconvene at approximately 5:30PM Per Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(e). Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.
a. Consideration of acquisition of the following properties:

406 W. Whitewater St.
250/252 4th St.
244 4th St.
236 4th St.
411 W. Forest Ave.
412 W. Whitewater St.

4. Reconvene to open session at approximately 5:30PM and roll call.
5. HEARING OF CITIZEN COMMENTS. No formal CDA Action will be taken during this meeting although issues raised may become a part of a future agenda. Items on the agenda may not be discussed at this time.
6. Consideration and possible action of the acquisition of the following properties:

406 W. Whitewater St.
250/252 4th St.
244 4th St.
236 4th St.
412 Forest Ave.
412 W. Whitewater St.

Consider adoption of a Relocation Order which provides for the acquisition of 406 West Whitewater Street, Whitewater, Wisconsin (OT 00174) and 412 West Whitewater Street, Whitewater, Wisconsin (OT 00179) under the procedures set forth in Wisconsin Statute §32.05 based on a finding that those properties are blighted properties.

Authorization to hire a consulting firm to provide relocation services for any residents at 406 West Whitewater Street and 412 West Whitewater Street, if relocation is determined to be necessary.

Authorization to retain Attorney Benjamin Southwick to act as a consultant to the City Attorney on the
acquisition by eminent domain of the properties.

7. Review and Possible Action on Proposals for 4th Street Redevelopment
8. Approval of the September 22, 2008 Minutes
9. September, 2008 Financial Reports
10. Receipt and Filing of the September 8 Business Park Marketing Committee Meetings
11. Discussion and Possible Action on 2009 Goals and Objectives
12. Update on Decorative Landscaping Around Entrance Signs to Business Park
13. 2008 Scheduled Business Park Infrastructure Improvements Update
14. Business Park Marketing Committee Report and Discussion and Possible Action:
a. Corporate Drive Ribbon Cutting Event
b. Results on TID (1, 2 & 4) Investment in the Whitewater Business Park
c. Applied PhD Research – Post Card Campaign
d. Marketing Campaign Timeline & Roll-Out
e. 2009 Marketing Budget
15. Discussion and Possible Action on Rail Spur Initiative in Whitewater Business Park
16. Discussion and Possible Action on Crop Lead Bid Process
17. Discussion and Possible Action on Dirt Pile
18. Discussion and Possible Action on Planning and Preparing Project Plans & Design Concepts for Future TID 6 Planning
19. CDA Coordinator
a. Report on Housing Loan Program
b. 5-Points Phase II Update
c. Activity Report
20. Confirm November Meeting Date of Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 4:30PM
21. Future Agenda Items
22. Adjourn to closed session at approximately 6:30PM not to reconvene per Wisconsin State Statutes
19.85(1)(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data
of any public employee over which the government body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
a. CDA Coordinator Employment Review & Working Agreement
23. Adjourn

In our schools, there will be a regular meeting of the School Board at Central Office at 7:00 p.m.

The agenda, available online, includes the following items:

Call to Order and Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance Presentation Time:
Approval of Agenda (Action Item) 1 minute
Announcements and Recognitions (none)
Student Reports (none)
Public Comments – Non-Agenda Items: No formal School Board action will be taken although issues raised may become a part of a future agenda. Participants are limited to an appropriate amount of time determined by the Board President.

Agenda Items: Citizens may speak to specific issues at the time the Board discusses that particular item.

Special Reports and/or Action (None)
Personnel Report (None)
District Administrator Reports
Overnight Field Trip Approval (Action Item) 5 minutes
WUSD Endowment Fund Committee – Adopt Bylaws and Approve Fiscal Safeguard Policy (Action Item) 10 minutes
American Education Week Proclamation 5 minutes
Business Office Reports
2008-09 Budget Approval (Action Item) 15 minutes
2008-09 Levy/Tax Rate Certification (Action Item) 5 minutes
403(b) Rule Plan Approval (Action Item) 10 minutes
Consent Agenda (Action Item) 5 minutes
Minutes of Regular Meeting September 22, 2008; Special Meetings October 6 and October 13, 2008; and Committee Meeting October 9, 2008
Voucher Approval
Second Reading of Policies 731.1, Locker Room Privacy, and 731.3, Video Surveillance
Student Transportation Contract Approval
Appoint Agent for School Board Election
2008-09 Nonrepresented Group Contracts Approval

Unfinished Business (None)
New Business
Contributions/Gifts to District (Action Item) 5 minutes
Board Communications 5 minutes
Preliminary Approval of Next Month’s Agenda
Presentation Time: 66 minutes (1 hour 6 minutes)

(Note the careful timing from the district — a less structured approach would require more discipline, but also evince greater interest for some of these topics. Student reports – none; Announcements and Recognitions – none. Shouldn’t these be among the most important matters?)

The National Weather Service predicts that today will bring a slight chance of rain or snow, and a high temperature of 42 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac ends a multi-day series with a prediction that “wet weather will be followed by clearing and colder conditions.”

Last week’s better predictions: NWS.

In Wisconsin History on this date, in 1864, according to the Wisconsin Historical Society, a Waukesha soldier led an effort to sink a Conferderate ship:

On this date William Cushing led an expedition to sink the Confederate ram, the Albermarle, which had imposed a blockade near Plymouth, North Carolina and had been sinking Union ships. Cushing’s plan was extremely dangerous and only he and one other soldier escaped drowning or capture. Cushing pulled very close to the Confederate ironclad and exploded a torpedo under it while under heavy fire. Cushing’s crew abandonded ship as it began to sink. The Albemarle also sunk. Cushing received a “letter of thanks” from Congress and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. He died in 1874 due to ill health and is buried in the Naval Cemetery at Annapolis, Maryland.

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