Daily Bread: October 28, 2008

UPDATE 5:57 PM: Council Meeting has been rescheduled for 10/29.

Good morning, Whitewater

Tonight, Downtown Whitewater, Inc. will be celebrating a birthday.
Tuesday October 28, 2008 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Cravath Lake Front Building.
(More information about Downtown Whitewater is available at

In the city today, at 6:30 p.m., there will be a special budget meeting of the Common Council at the municipal building. As of this writing, the agenda for the meeting is not yet posted.

The National Weather Service predicts that today be mostly sunny, with a high temperature of 46 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac ends the month with a new multi-day series prediction that it will be “cold and dry just in time for trick or treaters.”

Yesterday’s better prediction: NWS — we had — however briefly — the first snowflakes of the season.

A sad day for liberty, today — on this date in 1996, President Clinton signed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

What’s wrong with the DMCA? More on that later.

What was wrong with Clinton? I don’t know — depending on the next guy to take the Oval Office, we may be wishing for Clinton!

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