Daily Bread: October 29, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

In the city today, at 6:30 p.m., there’s a special budget meeting of the Common Council at the municipal building, rescheduled from yesterday. The agenda for the meeting is available online.

Earlier, at 5 p.m., the Community Development Housing Authority’s Housing Committee will meet at the municipal building.

In our schools today, it’s VIP day at Lincoln School, and there is a 6 p.m. Halloween Party at Lakeview School.

The National Weather Service predicts that today be sunny (no ‘mostly’ involved), with a high temperature of 51 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac ends the month with a new multi-day series prediction that it will be “cold and dry just in time for trick or treaters.”

Yesterday’s better prediction: Even — more detail from the NWS, but otherwise similar predictions.

In history today, Wired reports that it’s the anniversary of the day in 1675 on which “Leibniz Sums It All Up.” The skinny from Wired on Leibniz:

Gottfried Leibniz writes the integral sign in an unpublished manuscript, introducing the calculus notation that’s still in use today.

Leibniz was a German mathematician and philosopher who readily crossed the lines between academic disciplines. He had a doctorate in law, served as secretary of the Nuremberg alchemical society and fancied himself a poet.

He also conducted diplomatic missions in London and Paris. While visiting those cities, Leibniz acquainted himself with such scientific luminaries as Christiaan Huygens, Robert Boyle, Robert Hook, John Pell and Jacques Ozanam. He showed an unfinished calculating machine to the Royal Society, which elected him a fellow.

Never mind the wig — Leibniz was sharp where it mattered.

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