Daily Bread: September 17, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

There are no public meetings scheduled for Whitewater today.

In our school district today, there will be a book fair at Lincoln School, an international student reception at the high school at 3:15 p.m., a 6:30 p.m. open house at Lakeview School, and a 7 p.m. PTO meeting at the middle school.

The National Weather Service forecasts sunny weather and 77 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac predicts that pleasant conditions will return.

Yesterday’s better prediction: Even. The NWS was right about the morning, and FA right about the remainder of the day. (I am ignoring the standard that the more unique prediction — like foggy weather — should prevail if it applies only to a portion of the day.)

In Wisconsin history on this date, in 1862, the Wisconsin Historical Society reports on a mostly German-speaking volunteer unit mustered into service during the Civil War:

On this date the 26th Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers, the majority of whom were German speaking immigrants, were mustered in. They enlisted in August of 1862, drilled at Camp Sigel in Milwaukee, and were placed in the 11th Corps. Major General Franz Sigel, also a German immigrant, took command of the entire 11th Corps and the 26th Wisconsin regiment fell under the Division of Major General Carl Schurz and the Brigade of Colonel Wladimir Krzyzanowski.

An online history of the 26th Wisconsin Infantry offers additional details on the unit.

On this date in American history, in 1787, delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution, and in 1862 Union and Confederate armies fought at Antietam. The History Channel has a video with information on these and other events that took place on this date:

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