Election Information for Whitewater, Wisconsin

Please see information from the City of Whitewater about voting in the upcoming election —

The City of Whitewater is committed to making sure every voter who is eligible to vote can do so.    Citizens are encouraged to choose the voting option that works best for them.

Here are some key dates and facts to remember for the upcoming Presidential Election on November 3, 2020 – whether you’re voting by absentee ballot or in-person.

Now:  You don’t have to wait to register to vote or request an absentee ballot.  Everything you need to know is online at or by calling or visiting your local municipal clerk.  (262-473-0102 or

If you’re not registered, you can register online if you have a Wisconsin driver license or state ID card.  If you are already registered, you can request an absentee ballot and it will be mailed to your preferred address.  Once it arrives, simply follow the instructions to make sure the ballot is filled out correctly and have an adult U.S. citizen witness your ballot.  Then mail it back to the clerk in the postage-paid envelope.

For voters who are not comfortable with or do not have access to technology, an absentee request paper form can be used.

Voters also have the option to drop their absentee ballots off in-person on or before election day. (If you drop your ballot off on election day, please deliver your ballot to the Downtown Armory, 146 W. North Street, Whitewater).  If you prefer to vote from home, submit your requests  as soon as possible to ensure you have enough time to receive and return your ballot.

October 14, 2020:  Your last chance to register by mail or online.  Visit to complete the registration process in minutes or contact your municipal clerk.  (262-473-0102 or

October 15 to November 1, 2020:  During this closed registration period, you must register to vote in your municipal clerk’s office.

October 20, 2020:  The first day that municipal clerks may offer in-person absentee voting.  Please visit  to learn more about absentee voting in-person for the upcoming election.

October 27, 2020:  Practical deadline for voters to return their mail in absentee ballots to their municipal clerk’s office.  The US Postal Service recommends allowing one week for a completed absentee ballot to be delivered to the  municipal clerk’s office.  After this date, voters should find other options for returning their absentee ballot, which include delivering it to their municipal clerk’s office or a secure drop box.  The City of Whitewater has a ballot drop box located in the Municipal Building, 312 W. Whitewater Street, Whitewater.  Enter the building from the Whitewater Street side.  The box is located immediately to the left of the entrance door, in the entryway that is open 24 hours per day.  The area is well lit and monitored by security cameras.    Please note that this box is for CITY of Whitewater ballots only.

October 29, 2020:  The legal deadline for most voters to request an absentee ballot by mail.  Although it is acceptable to request a ballot up until this date, waiting this long could result in a voter not receiving their ballot in time to have it processed and counted.

October 30, 2020:  Final day to register to vote at your municipal clerk’s office.  Also final day to vote absentee in person in the Whitewater City Clerk’s office.

November 3, 2020:  Election Day. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and voters who are returning an absentee ballot to their polling place must get it there by 8 p.m.   There will be two polling places in the City on November 3.  Wards 1,2,3,4,5,6,10 and 11 will vote at the Downtown Armory, 146 W. North Street.  Wards 7,8,9,13 and 12 will vote in the Kachel Field House on the UWW campus. 907 W. Schwager Drive, Whitewater, WI.

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