Eleven Fifty-Nine for 7-15-10

Good evening,

It’s a dry and clear evening, with an overnight low in Whitewater in the mid-sixties.

I visit the Huffington Post every so often, and there’s usually a treat waiting, because that website covers all manner of topics, and far more than politics. I wasn’t disappointed earlier tonight, when during a visit I found a post entitled, “Chupacabra, Mysterious Animal, Allegedly SPOTTED In Texas (VIDEO, PICTURES, POLL).” It takes a confident website, with a sense of humor, to publish a post like that. Here’s an excerpt:

Chupacabras, literally “goat suckers,” are legendary creatures said to roam Mexico, Puerto Rico and parts of the United States….

Apparent chupacabra sightings spread fear in South Florida in 1996 and Texas in 2008. The chupacabras are in the news again after two strange animals were killed in North Texas.

Animal Control Office Frank Hackett described the animal involved in the most recent sightings: “All I know is, it wasn’t normal. It was ugly, real ugly. I’m not going to tell no lie on that one.”

I first heard of chupacabras from an episode of the X FIles. I’d guess there are many Americans who first heard of a legend or two while watching Mulder and Scully investigate bizarre tales.

Here’s the Huffington Post‘s embedded video, from a supposed 2006 encounter:

Too funny.

(I took the accompanying poll, by the way, and voted that it looked liked a chupacabra to me.)

I’ve yet to see a video like this with a chupacabra of Whitewater, Wisconsin, but I’d love to find one.

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