Eugene Volokh on Gun Rights, Free Expression, and the Nanny State

Eugene Volokh publishes a group blog, of several contributors, called the Volokh Conspiracy. Most of the contributors are law professors, and all are by turns serious and intentionally humorous.

Volokh is sharp, and the arguments he presents inspiring to those committed to individual liberty.

Here’s a description of a video interview with Volokh from

“’s Ted Balaker sat down with Eugene Volokh, professor of law at the UCLA School of Law and founder of The Volokh Conspiracy, to discuss gun rights, free expression, and the Nanny State.

Find out what Volokh thinks the biggest threats to free expression are, and whether today’s muzzlers come mostly from the left or right. Volokh also explains what the landmark Supreme Court case, DC vs. Heller, has done to gun control and whether he agrees with the “more guns, less crime” thesis.

Other topics include: media bias and gun rights, Alabama’s prohibition on selling sex toys, and whether judges can be nannies.

Interview by Ted Balaker. Shot by Alex Manning and Hawk Jensen. Edited by Paul Detrick.

Approximately nine-and-a-half minutes.”

Link: Eugene Volokh on Gun Rights, Free Expression, and the Nanny State

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