Expand Our Library

We have a beautiful public library, and it serves our community well. It is one of the unalloyed good things of Whitewater.

The Irvin L. Young Memorial library offers all the community what knowledge offers: enrichment, adventure, and opportunity. As a young man, I would often walk to the library in the evening, and there a world awaited.

We who are comfortable are made more so in a library — there’s always something new to find or discover.

We have any number of people — seldom discussed, but our neighbors nonetheless — who are in poverty or otherwise challenged. They are neither poor nor challenged in a library: they are there what we are in the library. This is as it should be, and through a library, might always be.

There is a committee working to expand our library so that it might be more helpful and of greater use. I wish them the very best in their effort; their work is the good work of our community.

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