Film: Tallest Heights

Here’s a colorful animated film from a series (‘Hello, Again’) that the Lincoln Motor Company (yes, the car company) is funding. There’s creativity in big-corporate America, if only one would look. Enjoy.

Tallest Heights from The Lincoln Motor Company on Vimeo.

Inspired by the drawn-on-film pieces by Norman Mclaren, Len Lye, and Man Ray, Becky & Joe collaborated with musicians Delicate Steve to create the charming and beautiful “Tallest Heights.” This work is part of the “Hello, Again” series presented by the Lincoln Motor Company, which asks filmmakers to reimagine the familiar into something fresh and new. The animation is made from a combination of ink, paint, bleach, and scratching into different film sizes. The final images are high-resolution scans of super 8, 16, and 35mm film strips and acetate sheets.

Watch the “Tallest Heights” behind-the-scenes film:

More at
Designed and Directed by Becky and Joe
Produced by The Lincoln Motor Company

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