This Tuesday, October 27th at 10 AM or 1 PM, there will be a showing of The House with a Clock in Its Walls @ Seniors in the Park, in the Starin Community Building:
Rated PG1 hour, 45 minutes (2018)
Our annual Halloween film offering is a fun blend of fantasy, horror, humor and whimsy. A young orphan boy aids his weird and wacky uncle (Jack Black), who’s not only a mad magician, but also a warlock, in locating a magical clock that is counting down to Doomsday, within the walls of his haunted house. Also stars Cate Blanchett.
Masks are required and you must register for a seat either by calling, emailing or going online at There will be a limit of 10 people per movie time slot. No walk-ins.
One can find more information about The House with a Clock in Its Walls at the Internet Movie Database.