For Whitewater, Wisconsin: No Reckless Pranks Needed

Over at the Volokh Conspiracy, a group blog of law professors and academics, there’s a post about the unfortunate conduct of James O’Keefe, an activist.

In a post entitled, “One Sting Too Many,” Jonathon Adler writes about allegations against O’Keefe:

It’s one thing to pretend to be a pimp when interviewing ACORN employees. It’s quite another to pretend to be a telephone repairman to gain access to a U.S. Senate office and its telephone system. Apparently noted ACORN-sting film maker James O’Keefe and some compatriots did not see the difference, and are now facing federal charges and the possibility of significant jail time. Politico reports. here.

See, One Sting Too Many.

It’s odd about all this, because the best opportunities for reform – and the only acceptable ones – are lawful avenues of inquiry.

Wisconsin and America offer citizens rights of lawful inquiry seldom exercised in Whitewater. Our Open Meetings Law (WOML, Wis. Stat. ss. 19.81-19.98) and Public Records Law (WPRL Wis. Stat. ss. 19.31-19.39) provide fair and clear rights of information and access.

We have no need for misguided pranks and supposedly daring conduct.

There are problems receiving full and complete compliance under our laws, but there is recourse through the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office, and through supportive press inquiries. It’s not hard, either, to demonstrate officials’ third-rate efforts at obstruction and evasion. Hiding one thing typically reveals others.

Tenacity is required, but only lawful tenacity is necessary, permissible, and worthy of respect.

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