Forget the Tea Party: Is It Libertarianism That’s On the Rise?

Here’s a press release for FreedomFest, a place to meet libertarians from across America:

“Greatest libertarian show on earth” projected to hit record crowds

LAS VEGAS – Move over Tea Party, libertarianism is on the rise. Combining much of the civil liberties perspectives of social democrats with a fiscally conservative philosophy, libertarian-minded voters want to see a change in America.

Thousands of them will be meeting this July 13-16 in Las Vegas at FreedomFest, billed by the Washington Post as the “greatest libertarian show on earth” and projected to hit record crowds.

With the looming political season and election cycle promising another bitterly partisan divide, many voters are anxious to meet at FreedomFest to hear debates, speeches and lectures on philosophy, history, geo-politics, science & technology, art & literature, healthy living, music, investing and religion in an atmosphere that is fun, lively, open, non-partisan and welcoming to all.

As Milton Friedman said, “FreedomFest is THE great place to talk, argue, listen, celebrate the triumphs of liberty, assess the dangers to liberty, and provide that eternal vigilance that is the price of liberty.”

Liberty-minded celebrities the likes of Steve Forbes (Forbes Magazine), John Mackey (Whole Foods Markets), Peter Thiel (PayPal), and Judge Andrew Napolitano (Fox News), all keynote speakers at FreedomFest this year, agree. “FreedomFest is so good I changed my schedule to attend all three days,” said Forbes.

Debates at this year’s FreedomFest include some of the hottest issues facing the US, including: “Do We Even Have a Constitution Anymore?,” “Stalled Technology in America: End of the Future?,” “Re-Branding Capitalism in the 21st Century” and “The Bush Doctrine of Aggressive Foreign Policy: Good or Bad for America?” These are real issues facing America today, and FreedomFest will tackle them with real experts, and without the typical Washington spin, double talk or political correctness.

Minds are opened, changed and influenced at FreedomFest, true to its tag line: “Where Free Minds Meet: Great Books, Great Ideas, Great Thinkers.”

In reaction to the showdown between Gov. Scott Walker and the state union employees in Wisconsin earlier this year, FreedomFest will feature its most popular session, a mock trial.

This major debate, “Public Unions on Trial,” will pit Steve Moore (Wall Street Journal) against Thea Lee (AFL-CIO), with a judge, star witnesses, and a jury. This session will broadcast nationwide TV coverage on C-SPAN.

Based on this year’s theme, a libertarian version of “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite,” Mark Skousen, FreedomFest founder and producer, said, “libertarians are too individualistic and need more fraternizing! This is the place for liberty-minded individuals to meet, learn, connect, and share. It’s a really different experience than anything else happening in the rest of the world.”

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