Fortune Comes Around on the Bailout

In September, it was “Paulson to the Rescue,” and Fortune asked: “The Steely-Eyed Treasury Chief is Betting Billions on Bailouts. Can He Save Us from a Meltdown?’ Now, in November, Fortune sees something different when it asks, “Who Pays for the Bailout? You Do, Of Course!”

“Of Course!” Wait, wait, wait — you breathless cheerlearders smart editors at Fortune didn’t see as much only six weeks ago?

I scanned the September cover weeks ago, because a different story was sure to follow. On the November cover, even the dachshund, with a pasty complexion, looks worried. That dog’s seen his last can of Science Diet® — from here on out, it’ll probably be some no-name dog food from China listing “additional, semi-digestible ingredients.”

For a solid critique of the bailout, delivered around the time of Fortune‘s first cover, see Barry Ritholtz’s video interview, embedded in my post entitled, Four Minutes, Forty Seconds Against a Misguided Bailout.

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