Friday Open Comments Forum

Here’s the Friday open comments post, following reader responses to a recent poll.

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings will be fine.

Although the template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Sunday afternoon.

For this week, a suggestion for a topic — What does it mean to “buy local,” as a policy and practice for Whitewater and her residents? I’ll post on this topic over the weekend.

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14 years ago

Thank you for the picture of the cougar. I liked your catblogging. I’m glad that these cats are back again. (I just hope I don’t get eaten by one.)

The Phantom Stranger
14 years ago

I was just looking at the Think Whitewater Buy Local release on The Banner…hmm…I notice one of the members on the committee is from the Whitewater Culvers…I didn’t know that Culvers is a ‘local’ business…hmmm…that must make our Walmart #1274 ‘local,’ as well…I’ll have to ponder that over a cone at our Really Local Frosty’s…hmmm….

A Longtime Whitewater Resident
14 years ago

Hello, John Adams What do you think of the Whitewater Buy Local campaign? They have a website about the campaign Do you think it’s a good idea to slam Walmart? I can’t image Whitewater now without a Walmart and a bigger one would reduce trips to Janesville. I think we’d save money on food AND gas with a Walmart grocery in Whitewater.

no bailouts!
14 years ago

Auto dealers for government motors or chrysler should not count as local either unless local in Whitewater means washington, d.c.

14 years ago

I really don’t know what to say about people who advocate competition when that competition will ruin every small business owner in Whitewater. We can’t afford to let people from a national chain sink small business people in the name of imiginary concepts like “free market” or “competition.”

We’re wasting time, Whitewater. Whitewater should take part of all the taxes that businesses pay and set up a fund to protect local businesses with ads and commercials. It’s just alot of lame crap now, but it could be more. When a big box wants to come to town, some of the fund should go to countering their ads. Residents are paying taxes and business people are residents just as much as any body else. Why do they have to pay taxes so that their businesses will be destroted by a greedy corporation? What they pay should stay here as a part of their defense unfair advantages.

Whitewater will be one big store and empty shops all over before you know it.

The Phantom Stranger
14 years ago

Anonymous says that with Super Walmart “Whitewater will be one big store and empty shops all over before you know it.” Hmm…aren’t we already there, with just Daniels Sentry and already empty stores..? Dooh!