Friday Poll: 2013 Oscar Pick

The Academy Awards are Sunday, February 24th beginning at 6 PM CT.

There are nine films in contention for best picture. (The nominees and links to info about them appear at the bottom of this post.)

So what do you think: Which film do you think will win? Which film would you like to win?

I’ve haven’t seen all these films, but I’ll guess that the contest is between Argo and Lincoln for winner (relying on accounts of the horse race), and I’d think that either one of those films would be worthy of winning (considering past winners).



Beasts of the Southern Wild

Django Unchained

Les Misérables

Life of Pi


Silver Linings Playbook

Zero Dark Thirty

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Ayn Rand
11 years ago

It won’t win but I still loved Life of Pi.

The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

Beasts of the Southern Wild is a beautiful, strange, allegorical, low budget film. That little girl and her story is incredible. A dark horse choice, as would be Amour. Amour is also nominated for Best Foreign Film.

11 years ago

zero dark thirty was intense

11 years ago

Pi. R good !!

Film Fan
11 years ago

there are alot of nominees this year