Friday Poll: A McDonald’s Lawsuit

Singer Jacqueline Simpson is suing McDonald’s for injury to her voice after eating a McChicken sandwich that she claims had a piece of glass in it. She now alleges that the glass damaged her voice, and her singing voice now sounds like a man’s, affecting her musical ambitions.

She’s upset:

“Now when I sing, I have a hoarse, rattly voice,” said Jacqueline Simpson, 52, who yesterday filed suit in Brooklyn Supreme Court. “I still sing alto, but I can’t sing soprano like I used to.”

Needless to say, a comedy news site quickly picked up on Simpson’s supposed injury:

Is Simpson a sympathetic victim, or gold-digging whiner? Admittedly, we don’t know what was in that McChicken sandwich, but then, does anyone really know what’s in one of them?

Go ahead: speculate away! My take — I’m suspicious that Simpson’s condition may actually be the result of one too many packs of unfiltered Lucky Strikes.

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Ayn Rand
11 years ago

How long did she wait to sue McDonald’s?
Where did you find that cigarette review? It’s even better than the comedy news clip! 🙂