Friday Poll: E-Book or Print Book?

In this world of Kindles, iPads, etc., would you choose a traditional print book or an e-book for reading?

I’ll go with e-book. What do you think?

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The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

Give me hardcopy! I prefer a hardback, paperback, comic book, or graphic novel in my hands. You don’t have to worry about downloads or battery power.

Ayn Rand
11 years ago

A e-book is greener 🙂

Dr. X.
11 years ago

books don’t need batteries but they also need an external light source

11 years ago

I’ll take an old fashioned book any day of the year. Can a book get a virus? Do you need to charge up a book in order to read it or can you simply light up a candle and read away? What does an e-book smell like? Better yet, what does an old e-book smell like? I can tell you. It smells of nothing, but a book, especially an old book, has an unmistakable smell that is very pleasing to my senses.
Greener? Well, that is debatable. Every time you plug in your e-book to charge you are consuming fossil fuels. What goes in an e-book, can you answer that? How about rare-earth metals, which are non-renewable. Every technological purchase or advance brings us closer to using up our rare-earth metals, which are necessary with today’s technology. Trees are renewable, you can simply plant another AND it will consume carbon dioxide in the process of growing and produce precious life-giving oxygen. Can your e-book do that?