Friday Poll: Farm Dog or Lap Dog?

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Modern Farmer asks whether farm dogs are happier than lap dogs:

Although the love between man and dog is indeed powerful, you might wonder whether the active, outdoors pup is enjoying a more enriching existence than his indoors counterpart. By keeping dogs as inside companions, are we asking them to lead less satisfying lives?

Recently, science has been reckoning with this question. An associate professor of animal behavior and well-being at Purdue University, Candace Croney began conducting cognitive tests on agility and companion dogs back in 2010. The tests ranged from basic — displacing a transparent cover to find food — to difficult — pressing the top end of a weighted tube to, again, find food — but in all cases, agility dogs generally performed better than companions.

“Agility dogs are exposed to different things and required to engage their brains more,” says Croney, who is also the director of Purdue’s Center for Animal Welfare Science. “Physical activity does facilitate the development of neurons and helps support good brain activity, which may possibly be contributing [to their success] as well.”

What do you think?

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The Phantom Stranger
10 years ago

I would think a farm dog would be happier than a lap dog out of the sheer excitement of being able to be off his Master’s lap and free to be outdoors to roam and discover. Isn’t that why Krypto was always roaming outer space, before occasionally returning to Superman’s side..? 😉

10 years ago

yes farmdogs get more variety

Ayn Rand
10 years ago

Farm dogs have the best lives but lap dogs may not know what they’re missing.

10 years ago

That farm dog looks really alert.

10 years ago

farm dogs have exciting lives

10 years ago

A happy farm makes a happy dog !