So, Maria Kang, a mother of three who exercises almost every day, posted a photo of herself on Facebook, and it’s caused a stir. She’s obviously fit, but some Facebookers contend that she’s guilty of shaming them, of insulting them with her picture:

(CNN) — Maria Kang likes a good workout. And she is getting one after a bunch of angry women turned her into a punching bag.
The 32-year-old Californian fitness enthusiast is under attack for posing for a cheeky photo and posting it on Facebook. The picture shows Kang — who works out for 30 to 60 minutes per day, six days a week — dressed in a workout bra and shorts that reveal an extremely toned body. She’s surrounded by her three young sons — now 1, 3 and 4. Plastered overhead is a simple but loaded question: “What’s your excuse?”
The photo went viral. It has more than 16 million views on Facebook and more than 12,000 comments. Most of the reaction has been positive; Kang estimates that the negative comments are outnumbered by the
The photo is provocative. And it was meant to be.
But a lot of women out there were absolutely furious with Kang.
“You, as a woman, should be ashamed that you are furthering the downward spiral of how society views women, and how we women view ourselves,” scolded one blogger.
Some call her obnoxious, a showoff, a bully shaming other women and worse.
What’s worse? How about getting accused of being a “bad mother”? That’s right. Some women had the nerve to insist that no one gets into this kind of shape without neglecting their children.
Oh, don’t go there. The last thing we need is another skirmish in the “mommy wars” where women compete to see whose maternal instincts are stronger.
“I did it because I knew it would wake people up,” Kang told me in an interview while her sons clamored for their mom’s attention in the background. “My intention was to inspire and motivate people to get healthy.”
Her point: If a mom with three children can work out, eat healthy and stay fit, what excuse is there for the rest of us?
“It takes a lot of time to raise kids, but you have to also make time to take care of yourself,” she said.
That isn’t easy with Kang’s schedule. She said she cares for her three boys without a nanny in addition to creating and running a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people get fit.
So here’s my question: insulting or motivational? I think it’s meant to be provocative, but that it’s not insulting – it’s merely motivational. What do you think?
I can see how it would be considered insulting but many, many motivational posters are like this. It’s motivational for some, and others shouldn’t be so sensitive.
People are too sensitive about this.
They get insulted at the drop of a hat.
Some people will be insulted and that’s okay as long as they can’t stop others from publishing what they want on their own Facebook pages.
She is one Hot Mama, and should be proud of being fit and in shape. What would be the reaction if it was a buff Dad and his kids..?
There’s nothing wrong with this photo. She’s toned the way many athletes. People who are upset with this don’t respect the progress that women athletes have made.
Since you’re asking…Wow! I am so motivated!! I am so motivated NOT to be a narcissistic exhibitionist – especially one who tackles such important issues like how one might look wearing very little clothing. Sure, a perfect body is really attractive, but says astonishingly little (except pride and vanity) about what kind of person resides in that amazing and fit shell she apparently doesn’t excuse.
I’ll tell you what would inspire and motivate. Take a picture of a bunch of children she saved from starvation. Show me the acreage of rainforest she bought to save from deforestation. Show me the whales she rescued, the animals she saved, the amount of money she gave to her local food pantry, or how many times she stopped at the red bucket at Christmastime to slip a buck or two in – not “excuses” why she didn’t.
I don’t give two toned arms about how fit she is. Or the message (or LACK thereof) she thinks she’s sending. It actually makes me pretty sad that she conflates the value of her figure with good character. I hope someday she finds herself motivated and inspired by something other than her perfect physique.
Why not blog?
Karl Marx comment actually makes me recoil about Tea Party and Republicans worried about their image. If all of their vitriole was spent on actually helping their constituents, rather than trying to destroy POTUS simply because of the color of his skin. Tea Party & Republicans are the Modern Day KKK.
Why, yes, I did ask, and thanks for these comments.
Anonymous: Facebook allowed Maria Kang’s photo, and likely allows photos more revealing or provocative.
What’s the photo’s message? I’ve said motivational, and that’s because, in part, distance from Ms. Kang makes it possible to consider some attributes of hers without worrying about others. (I see that that abstraction might be a bad thing to some people.)
Yet, she’s not my colleague, sibling, spouse , or a political person with claims to noble public service and and power power over others, so I’m not curious about her politics, charitable impulses, and social outlook.
No doubt, that politics, those impulses, and that outlook matter far more. They just don’t matter more to me, in this case. Good or bad, I don’t have to live with her – I just have to see that she’s fit.
If in life she’s a headache, at least she’s (sadly) someone else’s headache.
As for me, I exercise without that routine being a statement about my politics, etc. In fact, I exercise despite an an aesthetic disparity to Ms. Kang and many others.
Here’s a recent photo, by the way, from my latest visit to the Aquatic Center. Despite it all, I go just the same!