Friday Poll: Hot Dog-Hurling Mascot


At a Kansas City Royals baseball game, the team mascot, Sluggerrr, threw a hot dog in the stands, hitting a spectator. The spectator sued for injuries when his retina became detached after the hot dog hit him in the eye. A lower court ruled that the fan assumed the risk of such injuries when he purchased a ticket (since oddly-named mascots sometimes throw things, and that’s just part of the experience). The fan’s now appealed to the Missouri Supreme Court.

So, should Sluggerrr (and his team, the Kansas City Royals) be liable for the hot-dog-as-projectile stunt? I’ll say no – part of baseball is tossing toys or promotions or other items into the stands. Hot dogs? Close enough.

What you think?

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Dr. X
11 years ago

Fans take their chances with mascots.

Ayn Rand
11 years ago

How stale was that hotdog? Yuck!

11 years ago

ugly mascot hes guilty

The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

Most teams hurl heftier chotchkies…

11 years ago

yeah a hot dog is not much

the lawsuit seems like a scam