Friday Poll: Keep Dog or Boyfriend?

There’s an advice column at Slate called Dear Prudence, to which a reader recently wrote asking what she should do after a boyfriend asked her to get rid of her nine-near-old dog before the boyfriend would marry her.

The dog-owner wanted to postpone marriage until the dog dies. I have a simpler option as a poll question: Should she keep the dog or the boyfriend? Reading the story twice, I think she should keep the dog, ditch the boyfriend, and find someone else who’s dog-tolerant.

What do you think?

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12 years ago


The Phantom Stranger
12 years ago

The dog is and will prove more faithful.

Ayn Rand
12 years ago

Neither person seems very sensible.
The dog is the only one good to have around.

Cat Lover
12 years ago

Dump all three and get a shorthair kitten.

12 years ago

Ditch da dude !

12 years ago

If you have to ask the question, you already know the answer. Keep the dog.