Friday Poll: Paying a Fine with Coins


Pennsylvania handyman Justin Greene recently tried to pay a $25 municipal fine in pennies. Local officials in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania refused to accept his payment in 2,500 coins, erroneously contending federal law barred that form of payment for a fine. (They’ve now acknowledged that there is no current federal law that prohibits payment in coins.)

Apart from any applicable laws, now or in the future, do you think Greene or others should be allowed to pay a fine in the legal tender of their choice (pennies, nickels, dimes, etc.).

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Ayn Rand
9 years ago

From the picture we can guess which way you’re leaning 😉

9 years ago

Money is money.
If you want to fine people they get to pay how they want.

Unnamed Person
9 years ago

someday even bitcoin will be OK

The Phantom Stranger
9 years ago

I’m with Karl: $=$.