Friday Poll: Punxsutawney Phil, Innocent or Guilty?

UPDATE: Well, Phil seems to have made an admission –


A prosecutor in Ohio has indicted Punxsutawney Phil, the world’s most famous weather-predicting groundhog, following Phil’s prediction of an early spring on February 2nd. Butler County, Ohio’s Michael T. Gmoser is recommending the death penalty, by the way.

Here’s the defense from Phil’s team:

“If you remember two weeks ago on a Sunday, it was probably 60, 65 degrees,” handler John Griffiths told WXIX in Phil’s defense. “So, I mean, that basically counts as an early spring.”

That’s hardly convincing.

I’d say Phil’s guilty, but I’d favor sentence of a year’s snow-shoveling. We could even throw in a bag of ice melt.

What do you think?

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The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

Did Phil use the American Model or the European Model…?

Dr. X
11 years ago

Guilty! Off with his head.

Ayn Rand
11 years ago

Time for a plea bargain if he know’s what’s good for him.

11 years ago

I’m thinking that rather than a European or American model, Phil may have settled on a Punxsutawney one!

11 years ago

he’s been framed

11 years ago

Give him a job on channel 4.

The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

Yikes. Worse than weather are my brackets, and Badgers! Sigh….Go, Harvard!

11 years ago

Yes, indeed. Georgetown’s out now, too.