Friday Poll: Record or Warn?

In New Jersey, on a highway clearly marked with warnings against truck traffic, a motorist followed and recorded a truck before and after it struck an overpass.

The motorist knew that the truck was too large to fit underneath the bridges above the highway, and that it was only a matter of time before the truck hit one of those bridges.

Here’s the question: should the motorist have merely recorded the trucker, or tried to warn him? (Admittedly, the trucker was foolish to ignore signs along the road warning against truck traffic on a highway with low overpasses.)

Still, what would you have done?

Poll and video below —

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Dr. X
10 years ago

He shouldn’t have been on the road but the guy still deserved a headsup.

Ayn Rand
10 years ago

Warn for him and anyone around.

10 years ago

That’s cold.

10 years ago

that guy doesn’t know how lucky he is