Friday Poll: Rose Bowl Edition

Wisconsin v. California, Madison v. Palo Alto, Badgers v. Cardinal: it’s Wisconsin and Stanford on 1.1.13 at 4 PM.

So, what happens? The Cardinal are about a touchdown favorite. Badgers are coach out, old coach back, with a new coach in the wings.

By cold calculation alone, it would be Stanford’s game. I’ll go with (or hope for) other, intangible influences, and say Badgers 24, Stanford 21.

What do you think?

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11 years ago

just isn’t their year
Stanford 28, Wisconsin 17

The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

I’m hoping for a Pyrrhic Victory for the Bielema-less beleagured Badgers. Our young men will be led by Coach Alvarez to Valhalla. Go, Badgers!

Ayn Rand
11 years ago

Badgers win it in a close Rose Bowl. I guess 27-24.

11 years ago

Hope springs eternal, Badgers by 3.

11 years ago

somehow they will win with Barry back